Анкета Юлии Роговцовой

Учебные заведения


Школа № 1, 1993 – 2001
Фельдшерский медицинский колледж (СПбФМК, бывш. МУ №8), 2001 – 2005


СПбГМА им. Мечникова 2014
Высшего сестринского образования

Семья и семейное положение

Семейное положение


Страница моего партнера

Андрей Роговцов

Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

She can kill with a smile She can wound with her eyes She can ruin your faith with her casual lies And she only reveals what she wants you to see She hides like a child But she's always a woman to me She can lead you to love She can take you or leave you She can ask for the truth But she'll never believe you And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free She steals like a thief But she's always a woman to me Oh, she takes care of herself She can wait if she wants She's ahead of her time Oh, and she never gives out And she never gives in She just changes her mind She will promise you more Than the Garden of Eden Then she'll carelessly cut you And laugh while you're bleedin' But she'll bring out the best And the worst you can be Blame it all on yourself Cause she's always a woman to me Oh, she takes care of herself She can wait if she wants She's ahead of her time Oh, and she never gives out And she never gives in She just changes her mind She is frequently kind And she's suddenly cruel She can do as she pleases She's nobody's fool But she can't be convicted She's earned her degree And the most she will do Is throw shadows at you She's always a woman to me

Любимые телешоу

Комеди клаб, ДоМ-2. Наша Russia

Любимые книги

С.Майер"Сумерки, Новолуние, Затмение, Рассвет"

Любимая музыка

клубная музыка, попса.Джастин Тимберлейк, Риана, Нелли Фуртадо и др

Любимые цитаты

Единственное место,где мужчина может чувствовать себя свободно-это семейные трусы.

Приятно быть важным человеком,но важнее быть приятным.
Чтобы стать незаменимой,нужно все время меняться.
Любовь--великое средство сохранить красоту!

Если бы не было женщин,все деньги мира ничего бы не значили.

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения



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