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    Меня интересует счастье не для всех, а счастье для каждого.
    (Борис Виан, «Пена Дней»)

    Научи нас так счислять дни наши, чтобы нам приобрести сердце мудрое.
    (Psalm 90:12)

    Bass does something to people.

    The say it's the present, but it's the past.
    (Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather part 3 commentary)

    Everyone asking for tips on how to get into writing, there's a reason that word is a gerund. Writing is something you do. Do it. If you don't know what to write, read. Simples.
    (CarlosWeiner, reddit)

    - So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
    (Natalie Portman as Padme Amidala, Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith.)

    — He covets. That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer now.
    — No. We just...
    — No. We begin by coveting what we see every day.

    (Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling by Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster, The Silence of The Lambs)

    Harmony. That's the word that's stuck in my mind. Harmony, it's not about what's lasting or permanent.

    It is about individual voices coming together.
    For a moment. And that moment lasts...
    The length of a breath.
    (Francis Underwood (by Kevin Spacey), House of Cards s01e08)

    "Very, very big" is as far from the infinity as you can get.
    (Sixty Symbols Youtube Channel)

    Mr. Treves, don't worry about me... my friend.
    I am happy every hour of the day. My life is full, because I know that I am loved.
    I have gained myself.
    (The Elephant Man)

    Here's the tricky thing. You're making a movie, and the audience knows that you have control over everything somebody sees and hears for two hours. Every single thing.

    And the audience knows that you can show them anything. I mean, you've got computers and can make Tyrannosaurus Rex eat a car. So they know you can do anything.

    So the question is what _don't_ you do. Not what do you do.
    (David Fincher, "The Game" Commentary)

    Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday.
    (Anthony Hopkins, Inside the Actors Studio)

    The very insanity of my life depended on her making everything okay.
    (Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street)

    Когда я смотрела твой бой, мне казалось, что я тоже пытаюсь сделать всё, что в моих силах.
    (Сакура, Naruto)

    The evil is relatively rare — ignorant is epidemic.
    (Jon Stewart, 2014.11.20 at Colbert Report)

    - I'm not the One?
    - Sorry, kid. You've got the gift... but it looks like you're waiting for something.
    - What?
    - Your next life, maybe. Who knows.
    (Keanu Reeves and Gloria Foster as The Oracle and Neo, The Matrix)

    My entry is called Loss.
    I had toes. I stared at them, and they disappeared. I had fingers. I stared at them, and they disappeared.
    I'm not available for parties.
    (Bad Poetry Contest entry from Watch Dogs 2)

    It's refreshing being creative without worrying whether those images live up to the badge on the front of a camera.
    (Kaiman Wong, ex-DigitalRev TV)

    Today is "death sprints on the elliptical machine", well, that's what I have to fucking do! Just do it! Because I can't do everything unless I _do_ everything.
    (Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan Experience #764)

    People have a hard time on this, because we like it when the thing is only one thing. But society is always two things. It's the thing that alienates you and the thing that's your benevolent father. Always.
    (Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan Experience #958)

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