Анкета Ad Soyad

Семья и семейное положение

Мое семейное положение

не женат

Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе


Мои интересы

theater, movies, reading, vacation, nature, painting, driving (sometimes), friends, good talks, sun and snow, sea, acting, computer games (not all), photography, art

Любимые телешоу

any good shows :) actually depends on the mood again. not sure actually. maybe i don't have a favourite show.

Любимые книги

any good books. also depends on the mood. but I guess I like novels. Cartoon also. Comics too. Russian Classics like Dostoyevski, Chekhov

Любимая музыка

any good music, actually depending on the mood. but the music can change the mood. vice versa :)

Любимые цитаты
