Анкета Ярика Шеремета

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    Мой город








    Дата рождения

    14 декабря 1992

    Полных лет

    31 год

    Дополнительная информация

    Был онлайн ВКонтакте

    28 января 2024 в 05:42

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    Учебные заведения


    Oxford College, 1998 – 2006


    University of Sydney 2016
    Sydney Conservatorium of Music
    TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute 2016
    Blue Mountains College

    Семья и семейное положение

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    Слава Шеремет

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    Увлечения и интересы

    Несколько слов о себе

    Music, whisky, palm trees, a heat, music, sports, clubs, a night life, to wait all the day long night, all night long to wait for day, money, friends, native people, travel to other countries, the nature, the sea, clouds, the rainbow to admire a decline and a dawn, to look at the star sky, to fall asleep under rain noise, to choose and give gifts, surprises, coincidence and accidents, the miracle, creativity, intuition, cocktails, мороженное, sweets, fruit, holidays, a roller coaster, an aquapark to laugh, be pinned, the sun, love, romanticism, sex:P, business, development, sales, acquaintances, relations, an extreme, personal growth, races, дрифт, friends, adventures, pleasure from a life, emotions, the photo to come back late home, sales, advertising, economy, I love itself, I love gentle girls such, бейлис, compliments, brunettes. . эмм and blondes, alcohol, sunburn, массажик, night to meet a dawn, whipped cream, безбашенно to dance, Fresh Art, a strawberry, beaters, green tea, female attention, sentimentality to be angry without cause, to communicate with clever people, tangerines when me are jealous, beautiful people, mad acts, a milk chocolate, to kiss, go to the cinema on a night session, parents, 60 with superfluous steam of the cowards xd), the clothes, criticism, coffee to look horrors and on the most terrible moments to close eyes hands:)) )), sun glasses, a smell of a perfume for women, a pizza, romanticism, I like to be in an euphoria condition, a hookah, days off to philosophise, peach and cherry juice, sincerity, vanilla, шмоточки, кафешки, summer residences in the summer, to stir by phone hours when me praise, fruit candy when people competently speak and write, chips to embrace, опен эйры, to dream, sleep and have dreams, to wake up in the morning, to roll in a bed even an hour two and to look animated cartoons), distant trips, a summer rain, earlier morning to pass by shops and to look on reflexion)), love winter, car, тюниные car, to hang long in shower, to untangle ear-phones, to listen mp4, a photo and video-tape editing, a photoshop, picasa! I DO NOT LOVE: flattery when to me are rude, avidity, persistence, left "понты", hysteric women to get up early, people without sense of humour, historical films when give advice which I do not require, naive, double-faced, diffident people, to quarrel with relatives, шепелявую diction, advertising in not those, to hide feelings and emotions, bitter I DO NOT LOVE: flattery when to me are rude, avidity, persistence, left "понты", hysteric women to get up early, people without sense of humour, historical films when give advice which I do not require, naive, double-faced, diffident people, to quarrel with relatives, шепелявую diction, advertising in not those, to hide feelings and emotions, bitter I DO NOT LOVE: Flattery when to me are rude, avidity, persistence, left "понты", hysteric women to get up early, people without sense of humour, historical films when give advice which I do not require, naive, double-faced, diffident people, to quarrel with relatives, шепелявую diction, advertising in not those, to hide feelings and emotions, bitter I DO NOT LOVE: flattery I DO NOT LOVE: flattery when to me are rude, avidity, persistence, left "понты", hysteric women to get up early, people without sense of humour, historical films when give advice which I do not require, naive, double-faced, diffident people, to quarrel with relatives, шепелявую diction, advertising in not those, to hide feelings and emotions, bitter I DO NOT LOVE: flattery when to me are rude, avidity, persistence, left "понты", hysteric women to get up early, people without sense of humour, historical films when give advice which I do not require, naive, double-faced, diffident people, to quarrel with relatives, шепелявую diction, advertising in not those, to hide feelings and emotions, bitter I DO NOT I I I DO NOT LOVE: flattery when to me are rude, a

    Мои интересы

    ее...=*все )))

    Любимые книги

    Федор Достоевский — Преступление и наказание Джейн Остин — Гордость и предубеждение Джером К. Джером — Трое в лодке, не считая собаки Жюль Верн — Пятнадцатилетний капитан Жюль Верн-Путешествие к центру Земли

    Любимая музыка

    Dus step Rap Frances Hip- Hop

    Любимые цитаты

    The real man always should try, and the present girl — to resist.

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    Главное в жизни


    Главное в людях

    Доброта и честность

    Отношение к курению


    Отношение к алкоголю


