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    Русская школа при храме св. Петра и Павла (Russian School), 1990 – 1999

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    Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said By Philip K. Dick

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    System Of A Down, Metallica, Stigmata, Children Of Bodom

    Любимые цитаты

    Есть две вещи, которые нельзя избежать - это смерть и налоги.

    Каждый раз, когда "ТАРДИС" материализуется на новом месте, в ту же нано-секунду преземления она анализирует окружающее пространство, составляет карту местности в 12 измерениях со всеми составляющими в радиусе тысячи километров, и выясняет какой же образ лучше впишется в обстановку, а потом ... она маскируется под телефонную будку 1963 года

    D'oh, Oh-h-h Duff Bear Oh-h-h Donuts...

    John Noel Dowland lute song "Flow my tears"

    Flow, my tears, fall from your springs!
    Exiled for ever, let me mourn;
    Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings,
    There let me live forlorn.

    Down vain lights, shine you no more!
    No nights are dark enough for those
    That in despair their lost fortunes deplore.
    Light doth but shame disclose.

    Never may my woes be relieved,
    Since pity is fled;
    And tears and sighs and groans my weary days
    Of all joys have deprived.

    From the highest spire of contentment
    My fortune is thrown;
    And fear and grief and pain for my deserts
    Are my hopes, since hope is gone.

    Hark! you shadows that in darkness dwell,
    Learn to contemn light
    Happy, happy they that in hell
    Feel not the world's despite.

    Bruce Dickinson "The Magician" lyric

    I am the teacher, come to reach ya
    Take the old ways back to you
    You were lost, but I found you
    And it's your choice what to do
    I've learned a few things as I've traveled through the years

    Through the door of evermore...

    I came through fire, came through water
    Through the oily serpent's kiss
    Climbed the mountain, chased the dragon
    Thrown myself in the abyss
    Do I make myself familiar to you now?

    'Cause I've been around you
    And I'm glad I found you...

    I am the living flame, and I teach the holy games
    Teach the secret of the dance
    Throw the future in the runes
    Kick the sand in Satan's face
    I'll put Jesus in his place
    Shamen or priest, it's all the same
    The Magician is my name

    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name
    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name
    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name
    And magic is my game

    Now I know you, and you know me
    We have secrets we can share
    We can build a new tomorrow
    From the trash of yesterday

    It won't be the last time
    And I'm glad I found you...

    I am the living flame, and I teach the holy games
    Teach the secret of the dance
    Throw the future in the runes
    Kick the sand in Satan's face
    I'll put Jesus in his place
    Shamen or priest, it's all the same
    The Magician is my name

    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name
    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name
    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name
    (woah-oh-oh, oh-oh)
    The Magician is my name


    Demons run when good man goes to war.
    Night will fall and running sun
    When good man goes to war.
    Friendship dies and true love lies,
    Night will fall and dark will rise
    When good man goes to war.
    Demons run and come the cost.
    Battle is won but the child is lost.

    Демоны бегут,
    Когда хороший человек идет на войну.
    Наступит ночь,
    Прогоняя солнце прочь,
    Когда хороший человек идет на войну.
    Дружба не в счет,
    А любовь лжет,
    Ночь придет
    И тьма грядет,
    Когда хороший человек идет на войну.
    Демоны бегут -
    Так цена отмеряна.
    Битва выиграна,
    Но детя потеряно.


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