Анкета Davide Terreni

Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

Davide Terreni uses art as a psychological therapy, converting thoughts and making them functional to the creative process. The artist explores the concept of identity. Take a look at: https://allmylinks.com/asepticvoid

Мои интересы

Painting, gaming, collecting videogames/toys, crime documentaries, and sound experimentation.

Любимые телешоу

serial experiments lain

Любимые книги

The Happiness Trap - Russ Harris

Любимая музыка

Ambient, Dark Ambient, OST, Experimental music, Minimalism

Любимые цитаты

«I like to play. To play is important. Life is a game».

Мои страницы в других соцсетях
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