Анкета Mertsi Lanki

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    3 ноября

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    31 марта 2020 в 17:04

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    I have got experience and education in the field of New Technology, Security, Economy, Business, Trade, Leadership and Management, Coaching, Consulting and Political Philosophy. LOVES TO DEVELOP LEADERS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO THEIR FULL POTENTIAL! "I have been running coaching programmes with Managing Directors and Executives in more than 50 Finnish AAA+ companies (turnover from 0, 5 million euros to 8 billion euros)." Executive and Leadership Coaching, Strategy Management and Organizational Development. Licensee of Leadership Management International Inc. (USA) Specialties: ************ I provide investments and business mentoring to start-ups to help them grow. Import Export India. Master of Business Administration in Indian Institute of Commerce and Trade. Indian culture studies in India during last twenty years. "Been Entrepreneur in Finland, Russia and Estonia. Export to Germany, Road Manager in India and China."

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    Увлечения и интересы

    Несколько слов о себе

    How known? "Mertsi is a friendly, energetic, intuitive, responsible and hearty" - Hanna "He is reliable, an enigmatic, complex, profound and strong" - customer "Mertsi is a calm, systematic, to live so as to teach, sympathetic, knowledgeable (a lot of a lot)... energetic, empathetic, benevolent, social" – colleagues "Mertsi is positive, bright, fanatically enthusiastic, and still going strong, pricky... a positive, easy-to enthusiastic, (value)conservative, good-natured, business people - friends (My estimate of myself), I am aspiring righteous, sets of understanding, helpful.

    Мои интересы

    I have learned and taught meditation since 1990 in Finland and abroad. My hobbies include traveling, reading, writing and philosophy of life. Lifelong learning, fitness and gym

    Любимые книги

    My favorite poets, philosophers and writers Hans Christian Anderssen, Echart Tolle, Ramana Maharshi, Carl Gustav Jung, Arvid Järnefelt, Kabir, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Richard Bach, Rudyard Kipling, William Blake, Sören Kirkegaard, Friidof Capra, C. S. Lewis, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Astrid Lindgren, Agatha Christie, Martin Luther, Charles Dickens, Walt Disney, Feodor Dostojevsky, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Plato, Antoine de St Exupery, Rumi, William Shakespeare, Benjamin Franklin, Charles M. Schultz, Rahindranath Tagore, Erich Fromm, Galileo Galilei, J. R. Tolkien, Kahlil Gibran, Leo Tolstoy, J. W. V. Goethe, Mika Waltari, Maxim Gorki, George Washington, Friedrich Hegel, Herman Hesse, Emile Zola

    Любимые цитаты


    Human. Humanity itself is valuable. Learn to love all people like yourself in my opinion, is the highest goal of man and all mankind.

    Helpfulness. Helping others brings a good feeling.
    Enterprising. Like to reward entrepreneurial spirit. I do not give money to beggars, but happy to throw the coin to the busker.
    Passion and heart! I prefer blue-eyed as skeptical and arrogant. I'd rather optimistic than pessimistic. Childlike, rather than boring. I'd rather creative as a bureaucrat.
    Fairness and honesty. Keep the promise!
    I appreciate myself, and other ethical and righteous action.

    I am an old, wise man who radiates love and wisdom around.
    Mission Statement

    My life mission is to help and support and encourage people to find a more balanced and cheerful life. To bring good feelings and optimism in my family, friends, clients, colleagues, partners, and the occasional man, against whom a daily basis. To give up bad habits, and discover and develop day by day honest, braver and more loving human being. I want to help people develop and to feel important by listening, valuing and encouraging them.

    "Wait a lot in your life, it will come true!"
    Life Advice

    "Focus on the essentials. Stay awake in every moment! "

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