Анкета Кно Пы

Учебные заведения


Школа телевидения «Останкино», 2003 –



Семья и семейное положение

Мое семейное положение

не замужем

Моя семья


Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

люблю его♥

Мои интересы

love it, happiness, parents, ice cream, Polaroid, retro jacket, strawberries, Eclipse karma, travel, languages, guys, the future, snow, raspberries, friends, beauty, fashion, Vkontakte, communication, laughter, Jeans, Music, Music, music, long eyelashes, shoes, heels, air, water, sleep, dreams, sun, summer, vacation, Arina ...♥

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the end of the year starts with snow and roses of frost in my hair. with pine-needles, stretching out their tongues to whisper a tiny songs to the woods. with stiff breezes, breathlessly running invisible fingers through the silver snow, silently scattering snowflakes over plains of whiteness. snow on snow. a starched embroidery, thinner than air. above, only an inch away, the colour is blue and the clouds look like shiny little pieces of china. they fill the sky, spread out as if arranged for a farewell party. lost in the cold, a white marble sun is shimmering. silent and solitary, at the end of december. everything is quite now. everything frozen and still, except your face. your face is like a day in june (c)