Анкета Selena Gomez

Учебные заведения


Angilis School, 1998 – 1999
9th Street Elementary School, 2007 – 2014


Occidental College
Social Sciences

Семья и семейное положение

Семейное положение


Страница моего партнера


Моя семья


Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

My favorite ice cream: "DAD" and "Rocky Road", with lots of almonds, chocolate and marshmallow:) I like to use pseudonyms: I do not know how to play [bowling], but I think it's really fun. I like to call a different name "people from the screen, such as Princess Fancypants or Cheryl Cole!

Мои интересы

My favorite subject is science :) Favorite sport of basketball! My role model and favorite actress Rachel McAdams:) My favorite band Paramore! I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp :) I love cheerleading, surfing and skateboarding! My favorite shoes Converse!

Любимые телешоу

I love the TV show Channel Disney and MTV! I love to watch TV at night, falling asleep while doing so. It's like my usual Sunday evening :)

Любимые книги

so all :)

Любимая музыка

Paramore! The Scene! Rock Mafia!

Любимые цитаты

Learning to play guitar, drums and piano, because I want to be in your own group!

Мои страницы в других соцсетях