Анкета Jacqueline Lopez-Carmona

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    San Antonio







    Дата рождения

    25 ноября

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    13 декабря 2021 в 17:55

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    Cooking, reading, photography, scrapbooking, US Congress, Enron, kitties, environmental policy, beaches, portugal, politics, astronomy, international health, finance, economics, political economy

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    Учебные заведения


    Georgetown University 2010
    Georgetown College

    Семья и семейное положение

    Семейное положение

    есть друг

    Увлечения и интересы

    Несколько слов о себе

    I am a 23 year old girl trying through navigate through this tangled web of life. I live in a small town in Texas. I study political economy at Georgetown University. I can speak English, Spanish, and Russian. I love to write, cook, and bake. I have a cat named Nicolas who is my pride and joy. I hate hospitals, but I love beaches and lakes. I am more spiritual than religious. My favorite store is Half-Price Books. I cry for no reason at times. I dance in corners and love to laugh. I love sushi and wine. My favorite poem is The Lovesong of Alfred Prufrock. I do yoga almost every morning. I want to travel more. I love to dance. I feel small when I stand next to the ocean. My favorite sight is looking up at the night sky and seeing the stars. Check out my blog - http://gracierios.wordpress.com/

    Мои интересы

    Poetry (Neruda and T.S Eliot), Ballroom Dance (tango), Plays, Gardening, Driving, Social Justice, Hiking, Frida Kahlo, Russian Language, Baking, Cooking, Museums, Improving the education system, Political Economy, Art, Exotic coffees, world history, the Federal Reserve, Mexican and Italian Cuisine, Cigars, International Finance, Wines

    Любимые телешоу

    LOST, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Castle, Modern Family

    Любимые книги

    Our Town, The Count of Monte Cristo, Hemingway - Short Stories, Boy's Life, Poem -- The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock, Hollow Men, Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, Genome, Paola, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Man's Search for Meaning, Moral Politics, The Art of Loving, Why Women Should Rule the World, El Alquimista, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Female Brain, Unaccostumed Earth

    Любимая музыка

    A little bit of everything, but highly dependent on mood

    Любимые цитаты

    "Cross the finish line with a smile"

    "Make everyday and adventure"

    " I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"

    "It is our choices...that show what we
    truly are, far more than our abilities"
    - J. K. Rowling

    "All life is a chance. So take it!
    The person who goes furthest is the one
    who is willing to do and dare."
    - Dale Carnegie

    "It's time to start living the life
    you've imagined"
    - Henry James

    Жизненная позиция

    Политические предпочтения



    Humanist / Spiritual