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    Welcome to Westlands Westlands Activity Centre (Scotland) Ltd will open on 29th January 2011. The centre has been taken over by British Supersport 600 rider Scott Kelly and his family who have moved from Northern Ireland to Annan in Scotland. Westlands is near Annan in Dumfries and Galloway, south west Scotland. Its lovely rural location is just a few minutes from the motorway, making it easily accessible from the Borders, Carlisle and Cumbria. Excellent facilities ensure a great day out! Westlands Activity Centre have been successfully running corporate activity days and group bookings for 10 years. We have a continual refurbishment programme which ensures top of the range facilities for your corporate day out in the UK. If you're looking for party ideas Westlands is very popular for Stag parties, Hen parties and birthday parties. Paintball We aim to provide you with the ultimate paintball experience. Target Shooting Mini Skirmish All safety gear & overalls Prices start at £15.00 More information... Go-Karts Great driving fun for all ages, race against your family & friends! Easy to drive Helmets supplied Heats, finals & trophies Prices start at £18.00 More information... Quad-Bikes Ride yourself through beautiful woodlands, around lakes, over and around natural obstacles. Suitable for all the family Tuition included Prices start at £20.00 More information...

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    Несколько слов о себе

    По образованию я филолог (филфак КГУ, выпуск 2000 года). Живу в Кр-ске (Академгородок). Мой родной город - Железногорск (Кр-ск-26), очень его люблю, хотя бываю сейчас там редко. До рождения дочки успела поработать редактором, корректором, журналистом, учителем в школе. А сейчас с тремя детками домохозяйничаю и "Ярмамой" занимаюсь. Люблю природу, походы, интересные книжки по воспитанию и здоровью. Хочу научиться понимать людей. Хочу, чтобы наш сайт помогал родителям Быть родителем - это так увлекательно! « Последнее редактирование: 29 Октября 2010, 14:37:25 от TimNata » Записан Света (2004), Володя (2006), Любаша (2008). Мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили! Галинка Новичок Благодарность 1 Offline Сообщений: 48 Re: Резюме о себе - давайте знакомиться! « Ответ #4 : 25 Сентября 2006, 00:33:05 » Здравствуйте!Я-Галя.На этот форум зашла впервые, адрес "обнаружила" в "Сибирёнке".Мне 23 года, сыночку Матвейке подходит 11-й месяц .Живём мы в Центральном районе.Окончила Аграрный университет.Буду учиться ещё. Записан сыночек Матвейка-2 ноября 2005г. Одри Новичок Благодарность 1 Offline Сообщений: 35 Re: Резюме о себе - давайте знакомиться! « Ответ #5 : 25 Сентября 2006, 17:01:15 » Мне 26. Живу на правом берегу нашего живописного Енисея. Закончила САА, экономист. Работаю практически по специальности. В свободное время страюсь побыть с сынулей, иногда в кино сходить, книгу почитать. Обожаю бильярд. Записан светик Новичок Благодарность 0 Offline Пол: Сообщений: 4 Re: Резюме о себе - давайте знакомиться! « Ответ #6 : 25 Сентября 2006, 18:05:39 » немного о себе, мне 28 лет, по профессии инженер химик спиртового производства, но пришлось переучиваться и теперь занимаюсь бухгалтерией в фирме по ремонту фото и видеотехники...Если что обращайтесь, чем смогу, помогу Вместе с папой Ромой воспитываем сынулю и с нетерпением ждем второго! Живем в своем доме, в Покровке. Личных увлечений если честно, сейчас нет, все крутиться возле семьи и работы. Ну вот и все, постараюсь почаще бывать на форуме, ведь общение здесь не только приятно, но и полезно! Записан URL=http://odetta.ru/][/url] IreN Участник Благодарность 1 Offline Сообщений: 87 Re: Резюме о себе - давайте знакомиться! « Ответ #7 : 29 Сентября 2006, 00:25:09 » Да здравствуют все! Разрешите и мне представиться: Ира, 29 лет, ждем первого ребеночка, мальчика... вот-вот уже Живу в микрорайоне Ботанический - место хорошее, рекомендую Окончила филфак, журналистику, так что с вами, уважаемая TimNata, мы коллеги... Я на год раньше вас заканчивала, так что, возможно, и пересекались где-нибудь... в коридорах-аудиториях... Радостей и удовольствий в моей жизни много - но сейчас все затмилось ожиданием... Вот... Надеюсь, здесь все будем друзьями! Записан Marish Основной участник Благодарность 9 Offline Пол: Сообщений: 157 Re: Резюме о себе - давайте знакомиться! « Ответ #8 : 30 Сентября 2006, 13:43:03 » Приветики!!! Мне 25 лет, двое ребятишек, *dam *dam замужем почти 3 года. *kiss . По образованию физик-биофизик (выпуск 2003 год, КГУ), временно не учусь в аспирантуре (мечтаю стать ученым - романтика!!! ). Обожаю немецких овчарок (занималась выставками, дрессировкой ), очень люблю походы, в юности активно бродила по окресностям (Ергаки, пещеры, Столбы, сплавы ). Вот вроде и все! Записан Илюшка 17 октября 2004 г. Андрюшка 15 июля 2006 г. Софи 4 декабря 2007 г. IreN Участник Благодарность 1 Offline Сообщений: 87 Re: Резюме о себе - давайте знакомиться! « Ответ #9 : 30 Сентября 2006, 20:12:22 » Marish, а вы

    Мои интересы

    A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something: an interest in sports. Something, such as a quality, subject, or activity, that evokes this mental state: counts the theater among his interests. Regard for one's own benefit or advantage; self-interest. Often used in the plural: It is in your best interest to cooperate. She kept her own interests in mind. A right, claim, or legal share: an interest in the new company. Something in which such a right, claim, or share is held: has interests overseas. A person or group of persons holding such a right, claim, or share: a petroleum interest. Involvement with or participation in something: She has an interest in the quality of her education. A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned. An excess or bonus beyond what is expected or due. An interest group. The particular cause supported by an interest group. Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/interest#ixzz1HmX4vXh5

    Любимые телешоу

    Doctor Who (BBC1) 2. Heroes (Sci Fi/BBC2) 3. Flight of the Conchords (BBC4) 4. Peep Show (Channel 4) 5. The Wire (FX) 6. The Thick of It (BBC4) 7. Cranford (BBC1) 8. Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe (BBC4) 9. 30 Rock (Channel Five) 10. The Mighty Boosh (BBC3) 11. Life on Mars (BBC1) 12. Battlestar Galactica (Sky One) 13. The Sopranos (E4) 14. The Street (BBC1) 15. Californication (Channel Five) 16. Dexter (FX) 17. The Apprentice UK (BBC1) 18. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (E4) 19. Spooks (BBC1) 20. Gavin and Stacey (BBC3) 21. Ugly Betty (Channel 4) 22. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (More4) 23. QI (BBC2) 24. Lost (Sky One) 25. Andrew Marr's History of Britain (BBC2) 26. Dragons' Den (BBC2) 27. Top Gear (BBC2) 28. = Mark of Cain (Channel 4) 28. = Friday Night Lights (ITV4) 30. Curb Your Enthusiasm (More4) Bubbling under: Boy A (Channel 4), Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2), Drop Dead Gorgeous (BBC3), Have I Got News For You (BBC1), Strictly Come Dancing (BBC1). The list was compiled using a fiendishly complex formula, which involved totting up the points score for each show (five points if it was placed 1st, down to one for 5th), and then if programmes had the same points tally, ordering them according to the number of people who voted for each. So totally scientific and objective, then. For the third year running, Doctor Who came out on top. But after, there is a lot of change in the top 10 compared to the 2006 list. BBC4 is the most obvious beneficiary, landing three top 10 shows compared to zip last year - Flight of the Conchords, The Thick of It and Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. The Wire also continues its relentless rise, up to five this year. When we first did this two years ago, I'd never heard of the show and there were just a few lone voices banging on about it on the Organ Grinder blog. This year The Wire is one of two FX shows in the OG top 30, along with Dexter - not bad for a digital channel that only Sky subscribers can see. FX did appear on my Virgin Mobile TV offering for about a week last summer - or did I just imagine that? And once again the OG gang - myself included - have revealed themselves to be a contrary, some might even say, ooh... snooty bunch, in terms of our TV viewing habits. Lots of US imports and shows from relatively obscure digital channels - and not much ITV or reality TV.

    Любимые книги

    Roald Dahl's tales of the unexpected continue to exert a magical pull on children's imaginations almost 20 years after he died, with the Big Friendly Giant, Fantastic Mr Fox, Matilda and Charlie Bucket all making it into a list of children's favourite fictional characters. An eclectic mix of classic titles, television spin-offs, modern favourites and fairy stories emerged when books charity Booktrust asked 1, 318 children aged between five and 12 to pick their favourite literary characters. The list was, inevitably, topped by bespectacled wizard Harry Potter, but Dahl was the author to collect the most mentions from children, with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's Charlie coming in 10th, Matilda 15th, Fantastic Mr Fox 16th and the BFG 20th. "Roald Dahl's books are like modern fairy tales. The books still resonate because they sparkle with his genius, " said Katherine Solomon at Booktrust. "It is no wonder that he is still so appealing: his books have such a vibrant and vivid mixture of grotesque dark characters filled with a wicked humour and unbelievable energy." Francesca Simon's mop-haired rascal Horrid Henry was second favourite, followed by Jacqueline Wilson's Tracy Beaker in third. The likes of Hannah Montana, Ben 10 and Doctor Who also muscled in on the top 10, relegating Peter Pan and Cinderella into joint 11th place, but Winnie the Pooh managed to sneak into the top 10 in eighth place, ahead of Dav Pilkey's creation Captain Underpants. The research also found that the most powerful ingredient for attracting children to a particular book was character, with 51% citing that as their reason for reading a title, ahead of plot at 43%. Thirty eight percent were attracted to a book if was based on a television show, and 32% if it was based on a film, while just 5% said they would read a book if a celebrity such as David Walliams or Madonna had written it. The top 20 in full: 1. Harry Potter 2. Horrid Henry 3. Tracy Beaker 4. Biff, Chip and Kipper (school reading scheme characters) 5. Hannah Montana 6. Doctor Who 7. Ben 10 8. Winnie the Pooh 9. Captain Underpants 10. Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11= Cinderella 11= Gruffalo 11= Peter Pan 11= Charlie and Lola 15. Matilda 16= Alex Rider 16= Fantastic Mr Fox 16= Spiderman 19. Thomas The Tank Engine 20. BFG larger | smaller Books Roald Dahl · Children and teenagers · Children's books: 7 and under · Children's books: 8-12 years Culture More news More on this story Will Self: The fantastic Mr Dahl Roald Dahl's children's books are full of barely submerged misogyny, lust and violence. The new film version of Fantastic Mr Fox is an ideal introduction to this fabulous, cruel world Related 7 Sep 2009 David Walliams makes shortlist for Funny book prize 12 May 2010 The best children's books: 5-7 year-olds 17 Jun 2010 Artemis Fowl voted best-ever Puffin 17 Sep 2010 Roald Dahl Funny prize shortlists writer's collaborator Printable version Send to a friend Share Clip Contact us Article history Ads by Google Spread Betting - Try Now Try GFTs Award-Winning Trading Platform. Free Practice Account. www.GFTuk.com How resilient are you? Managing change, facing adversity & bouncing back. Learn more... www.haygroup.com Serial killer in NYC Read the latest thriller from the author of Seven & The Iceman-$2.99 www.amazon.com On Books Most viewed Zeitgeist Latest Last 24 hours 1. On writing: authors reveal the secrets of their craft 2. Colette has more punch than Proust 3. Gruffalo author Julia Donaldson tells why she vetoed ebook 4. Rereading: Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes 5. Gallimard: 100 years in publishing More most viewed Guardian Books on Twitter Latest news, views and links from the Guardian's books team GuardianBooks: Guardian #books podcast: French literature http://t.co/Nv9idfK via @guardian about 1 day, 12 hours ago GdnChildrensBks: We've just launched Kiran's review of George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

    Любимая музыка

    Many experts and fans of rap music considered appearance Of eminem at the top of the charts in a highly predictable and stated that the first positions were worthy and other artists. Nevertheless, the majority of the experts and participants agreed in opinion, that as a whole the list of MTV reflects the current balance of forces on the rap scene. On the second place in the rating was Jay-z, and the third line was Kanye Uestu. The main opening of the "Hottest Mc 's In The Game" became repersha Niki Минаж, whose career went up at the end of 2009. In the near future artist is going to release their debut album "Pink Friday" (the release is scheduled on november 23). It is expected that the first studio work Минаж will become a hit of sales

    Любимые цитаты

    Rap Quotes

    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

    A lot of the stuff I've accumulated over the last few years of touring I thought was really interesting. Like sounds, sound bites, and beats even, but they weren't good dance beats they weren't ones anyone would want to rap over or anything.
    Eric San

    A lot of times black folks look for love in all the wrong places. You're always looking for somebody to love you, be accepted, and there's the insecurities that are even transmitted through rap. Everyone is trying to aim to please too much.
    Chuck D.

    And to turn it into rap wasn't too difficult besides just rhymin' the last words of each line.
    Slick Rick

    As far as anybody in the rap game ever tryin' to assassinate my character, that's impossible. You talkin' about a man who has always walked the walk and talked the talk.
    Suge Knight

    As long as I'm around the cats in the hip hop scene, they'll throw me a track and I'll write a rap over it.
    Ice T

    At least the rap metal stuff is good, but it's not really my bag. I've been listening to the radio since we've been touring the past month, because we don't get it most of the time.
    Jon Crosby

    Back in the day, if someone said that hip hop and rap was a fad, that was a joke to me because they just didn't know what they were talking about. In reality, there were so many people who didn't know what they were talking about it.
    Jam Master Jay

    But, Eminem... No, I've loved rap for a long time, especially when it got out of its first period and became this gangsta rap, ya know this heavy rap thing? That's when I started to fall in love with it. I loved the lyrics. I loved the beat.
    Alan Vega

    David Bowie's my favorite musician. I love him above all, but I'm really into rap a lot right now.
    Ethan Suplee

    Everybody in the '80s, well, we hate rap. Now, the biggest rapper in the world... Eminem. Rap's a black thing.
    Chubby Checker

    Government workers often get a bad rap, but it's rare for them to receive much appreciation when government works.
    Matthew Lesko

    Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn't be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should.
    Richard Dreyfuss

    I don't have to put out another rap record. I can do it at my casual pace.
    Ice T

    I don't have to say 'Rap it up' every two seconds, or 'Don't do drugs' every two seconds. They know they're not supposed to use drugs, and they know they're supposed to put a condom on.
    Curtis Jackson

    I don't like rap music at all. I don't think it's music. It's just a beat and rapping.
    Nina Simone

    I don't like rap that you can't understand. The youth is so quick and alert.
    Roy Ayers

    I got tired of the Ramones around the time I quit and I really got into rap. I thought it was the new punk rock. LL Cool J was my biggest idol.
    Dee Dee Ramone

    I have considered rap music stars, and there is one in my new book, Lovers and Players, and there is also a hip-hop music mogul who I think you will like a lot.
    Jackie Collins

    I haven't done rap... I can't do that too well.
    Dee Dee Ramone

    I like to make music, I like rap music. Even if I'm white, I support that music. If I want to support it or any other white kid wants to support it more power to them.
    Kid Rock

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